sivani mata moon francis

Sivani Mata Francis
Priestess Yogini Witch


Kirtan, Poetry, Sound and Silence

kirtan at the life centre islington

Photo thanks to Murray Ballard

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Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom
(Bob Marley)

Music as Medicine is a deep dive into the heart through co-created song. It is a conversation with that inner place in each one of us that is ever unified with everything in creation; it is a practice of communion with all that is. In our gathered community we mainly sing together kirtan in the ancient powerful language of Sanskrit. Kirtan repeats simple mantras which invoke a trance-like state within, as well as evoking the spirit of Bhakti: the mood of love. Our circles are always unique, as everyone in the space adds their voice, and in doing so contributes their special spice to flavour the collective soup we brew together. All are invited to be at home here to express the truth of themselves, through these songs of freedom. We co-create healing sounds, music as medicine, kindling the process of transformation which can move through us as ecstatic or cathartic dancing, sweet tears, deep peaceful stillness, the warmth of an inner joy, or other expressions.

Film thanks to Phil Wildcroft

kirtan at buddhafield

Photo thanks to Chris Hardy

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© Sivani Mata Francis 2023
Sivani Mata Visual Illumination (logo design)
thanks to Sophie
@The Firefly Creatrix
Hand drawn Sanskrit above footer by Haidakhan Babaji

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