Sivani Mata ☽ Francis
Priestess ☽ Yogini ☽ Witch
Yoni Shakti Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Photo thanks to Leticia Valverdes
Yoga Practice that Supports and Nourishes Women in all Stages of Life
Yoni Shakti Yoga is a way of practising yoga that honours our ever-changing moods, cycles and rhythms. Bringing to the mat who we are today, right now, and moving, exploring from a place of awareness of that knowledge of what is present for us today.
“This is a feminine yoga to meet us and nourish us exactly where we are right now: every day of our lives as women, every day of our menstrual cycles, and every day of the times in our lives when we are beyond our cycles – this yoga is adapting and adjusting to our needs. If you have ever felt that what you are looking for is a yoga that respects and honours you as the woman you are in this very moment, then this yoga is for you – Welcome home to yourself” – Uma Dinsmore-Tuli
Why Women's Yoga? I, Sivani Mata have found deep healing and support in circles of women, they have been a nourishing place of home-coming for me. I have been blessed to train in and hold spaces for women who grew up as girls, who know what it is like to live in a female body, who know what it is like menstruate (even if not currently menstruating), and who have an embodied understanding of how the sexual energy moves in a female body. This is what I have an embodied understanding of and the circles I share (unless specified) are humbly offered to support this. I believe in freedom and empowerment for all beings, and I believe in the power of the small affinity group (such as a women's circle) to contribute to the greater healing that is needed on this planet for all of us.
Surrendering in Meditative Nourishment
Nearly all our Women's Yoga Circles include Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is an effortless lying down meditation which takes you to a space of conscious sleep. In the practice of Yoga Nidra we allow our physical bodies to surrender in relaxation, whilst our other levels of being are thoroughly nourished: the mind chatter is calmed, the emotions are balanced, and one’s level of vitality energised. Regularly practiced, Yoga Nidra is a space of profound union with creation, where internal difficulties and questions are resolved naturally, and spontaneous creative insights can occur. It is a joyful practice of homecoming that leaves one feeling revived, and ready to face the tasks of the life with an open mind, and heart.
“I made pilgrimages, looking for God.
Then I gave up, turned around,
there God was inside me!
… in the form
of a love that fills your heart” (Lalla)
Yoga Nidra translates from the sanskrit as “Yogi Sleep”, this is a little bit of a philosophical joke as the sleep of the yogi is to be truly awake. Yoga Nidra is an effortless state of being.
"My experience of Yoga Nidra is profound relaxation, rejuvenation, a sense of homecoming that I can only equate with the other Bhakti Yoga practices, and a sense of clarity which echoes throughout the day, long after the practice is over." – Sivani Mata
Sivani Mata trained in Total Yoga Nidra with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli. This training is unique in it's comparative approach to the practice, honouring different lineages as well as the history and evolution of Yoga Nidra.
Total Yoga Nidra YouTube Playlist
Yoga Nidra Network Free Downloads
Experience: Women's Yoga Circles
Photo thanks to Murray Ballard
© Sivani Mata Francis 2023
Sivani Mata Visual Illumination (logo design)
thanks to Sophie @The Firefly Creatrix
Hand drawn Sanskrit above footer by Haidakhan Babaji